A21 #WalkforFreedom ✖️

Did you know that every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery? Children are included when we say someone. Child trafficking victims are taken for labor, sex and organ trafficking, ranging in ages 1 - 18 years old. Can you believe it? We couldn't wrap our minds around this terror and even though the numbers and facts seem overwhelming and can make a person feel helpless, we decided to STAND UP! Stand up for all of these men, women and children from all backgrounds and all ages all over the world. If we can help even 1 life, that 1 life matters! 

On October 15, 2016 A21 is hosting their 3rd annual #WalkforFreedom! One step at a time we will fight together globally to bring awareness to the horrors of human trafficking, and continue to raise funds which help the mission of rescuing and restoring lives all over the world. The walk will be hosted in 250 global locations! Sign up to join the walk in a location near you at:


If you can't join in the walk there are many ways you can be a voice for freedom. You can help by educating people, fundraising for the cause and just donating either one time or by becoming a monthly supporter. You can find links for all of these options at:


PARTNERSHIPS - A21 - Walkforfreedom2016


Image #1  -  A21.org

Image #2 - All Kids are Gifted