All Kids Are Gifted believes that EVERY child in the world is a beautiful and special gift. From the dreaming and blue print stages of our company—we knew that we would be all inclusive and actually celebrate culture, diversity, equality, individuality, and the beauty of every person mini, adult, and all of the ages in between.⁣⁣

We have been sitting with this message for awhile and it was necessary for us to do so in respect to the voices of our black brothers and sisters that are living in a life and death daily reality.

We will continue to raise our voices, bring awareness, educate ourselves and others of the vast and rich black history in the United States as well as every country around the world. The vast and rich history that has been attempted to be erased globally over centuries, it has continued to PREVAIL because erasing of human beings WILL NOT CONTINUE TO be turned a blind eye to.⁣⁣ Not only will we continue to learn from history but also from what is currently happening—for a future that doesn’t mirror what the past and present have.
There is continual work to be done but thank God the world has been shaken to wake up and so many have been raised up to stand + have hard conversations over and over and over again. Looking DEEP into ourselves, to do the work and healing that it takes from the very inside and out because that’s what needs to happen.⁣⁣
What have you been doing individually + with your littles (of all ages teens and young adults too)? Let’s help each other, let’s be a community because that’s also what needs to happen. ✌🏽🧡✊🏽⁣